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Peter Strisik, Ph.D.
Suzanne Strisik, Ph.D.
About Psychotherapy












Suzanne Womack Strisik, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Independent Clinical Practice


Photo: Suzanne Strisik


Strisik, S.W. (2018). 22 Experts Unveil the Best Marriage Advice for a Lasting Relationship. Retrieved from https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/best-marriage-advice-for-a-lasting-relationship/

Strisik, S.W. (2018, March/April). Unique peer consultation issues in rural Alaska. The National Psychologist, p.14.

Strisik, S.W. (2016). Conflict resolution: Four ways to end a cold war. Retrieved from http://www.marriage.com/advice/counseling/conflict-resolution-four-ways-to-end-a-cold-war/

Strisik, S. W. (2008). Inheritance. Anchorage Zen Community Newsletter, Spring-Summer. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage Zen Community.

Strisik, S. W. (2006). Clinic profile:  University of Alaska Anchorage. Newsletter of the Association of Directors of Psychology Training Clinics, 8, 2.

Brems, C., Strisik, S., & King, E. (2005). Gatekeeper: Suicide Prevention – Instructor’s Manual.  UAA Behavioral Health Research and Services: Anchorage, AK. 

Brems, C., Strisik, S., & King, E. (2005).  Gatekeeper: Suicide Prevention – Participant’s Manual.  UAA Behavioral Health Research and Services: Anchorage, AK. 

Strisik, S. W. (2002). The resilient therapist.  Voices:  The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, 38, 19-21.

(Strisik) Womack, S., & Smith, E. (1995).  A content analysis of imagery during rhythmic auditory stimulation with selected sacred postures.  Voices:  The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, 31, 87-94.   


Municipality of Anchorage (2021, February 15th). Community Mental Health During the Pandemic: A Conversation with Suzanne Womack Strisik, PhD. Video Series with Acting Anchorage Mayor Anchorage Austin Quinn-Davidson. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1518617185014799

Heimel, S. (2020, April 9). Hunker Down Anchor Town. Community Mental Health during COVID-19. KONR FM Radio Interview: Mayor Ethan Berkowitz & Suzanne Strisik, PhD. Anchorage, Alaska.

Strisik, S.W. (2011, November 12.). Panel Presenter. Complex Issues in Family Therapy. Alaska Psychological Association Annual Meeting. BP Energy Center, Anchorage, Alaska.

Strisik, S. W. (2010, October 6). Individual, Family or Group Therapy: Ethical Considerations in Offering More than one Treatment Type. Presenter. National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference. Westmark Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Strisik, S. W. (2010, April 29). How to Avoid In re:(you’re name here). Panel Presenter. 2010 Alaska Bar Convention, Dena’ina Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska.

Strisik, S.W. & Nichols, J. (2003, June). Parallels Between Alaska Native Concepts of Well-Being and Positive Psychology. Poster presented by J. Nichols at Society of Indian Psychologists annual conference and retreat.

Strisik, S. W. (2003, March). The Reciprocal Relation Between Cognition and Behavior: The Contributions of Inupiat Eskimo Culture to Cognitive Psychology.  Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting for Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.

Strisik, S. W. (2003, April).  Right Mind, Right Behavior:  Eskimo Cultural Contributions to Positive Psychology. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association. Vancouver, B.C. 

Strisik, S. W., & Fleek, B. (2002, August). Alternatives to Mainstream Approaches to Depression. Paper presented at the 13th Inuit Studies Conference. University of Alaska Anchorage.

Strisik, S. W. & Sandberg, P. (2002, April). Where We Are Going:  Psychotherapy Training in the Psychological Services Center. Paper presented at the Behavioral Science Conference of the North, Anchorage, Alaska.

Strisik, S. (November 2001). The Shadow in Dreams. Presentation at the First Annual     Wellness Conference and Retreat of the Athabascan Women’s Traditional Council, Chugiak, Alaska.

 (Strisik) Womack, S., & Pate, J. L. (2000, March). Shame as an Inhibitor of Creativity. Paper presented at The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.


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