For your convenience, we have put links to forms that we use in our practice
on this page. You can print the relevant forms to complete prior
to your first appointment. You can also access forms here for authorizing release
of information or for authorizing charges to a credit card. Of course,
we have these forms at our offices if you prefer to fill them out when you
come in.
Forms for the first appointment:
Everyone should complete the General
Information form,
read and sign the Agreement for Psychological Services and Agreement for
Online Services forms, and read and keep the HIPAA Privacy Notice.
Fill out the Credit Card Preauthorization only if you with to use a
credit/debit card for fees.
If you have questions about any of the forms, please call or email and we
will be glad to help. Our contact information is on our
home page.
Accessing the Forms: In order to access these forms, you will need
a recent version of the Adobe
Acrobat Reader. You may already have this program installed. Try
one of the form links. If it doesn't work, you can download the latest
version of the program
With the Acrobat Reader program installed, clicking on the form's link
should display the form in a new
browser window and you can print it. |